Wee Book Inn

edmonton's premiere used bookshop since 1971

A fantastic used bookstore locally owned and operated with two locations in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada for 50 years.

Looking for a specific item?

File a Request with Wee Book Inn and we will do the searching for you.  Once a request is in our system all of our locations are able to view the details. Once located, the item will then be transferred to the location of your choosing and you will receive a phone call indicating it is ready to pick up.  

If you are looking to locate an item as soon as possible it is strongly recommended to contact each location by telephone to see if it is currently available in-store.

We generally advise against leaving requests for textbooks, magazines, or manga.

+Out of town?

If you are outside of the Greater Edmonton Area and require mail order services we are happy to provide them for you. When we call or email you to tell you that your item is available, just let us know that you need it shipped. We will ask for your address over the phone so that we can calculate shipping charges. We will call you back at a later time, after weighing the package and calculating the shipping rate, with your total price. This is the only time your credit card information will be used: when it needs to be inputted directly into the credit card terminal.

+Is it in stock?

Please note that our inventory is supplied by purchasing items from the general public in our stores and so it may take some time to find the item you are requesting. We do see a very large volume though, and many requests are found within a reasonable time frame.

+Why is my request not showing up in the system?

Requests sent in through the website are not automatically entered into the system as they must be screened and formatted for consistency. There may be a time delay between submitting the request and actually having the request entered into the system. In addition to this restriction, we are unable to accept requests for "Any" title by a given author, or "All" titles by an author. We will also not accept requests for items that are not available, such as movies that have not yet been released.

+How will I know when my item is ready for pickup?

Once we locate your item in-store it is tagged for transfer to its destination. Upon arrival it is batched in with other customers' items, and phone calls are made in the evening to notify customers of the item's availablitliy. Once we have made contact, either through speaking with you in-person on the phone, or leaving a voicemail, the item's status is set to "On-Hold".

If you have an email address on file with us an electronic notification will be sent out informing you of the item's status. If you have opted to receive SMS notificaitons, you will also receive a text message on your mobile phone. These notification options can be opted out-of at any time by following the links provided within the notifications.

+What happens if I can't make it in to pick up my item?

By default, items are held for seven days from the time of contact. After this time, if the item is unpurchased, it is cleared from the holds, put out on the shelves for general sale, and flagged as "Expired" in the request system. If you require additional time to come in and pick up your item, please call the location it is being held at and ask for an extension. You will need to provide your phone number, or the Reqeust ID (which is available in any electronic notifications you may have received).

If you have an email address on file, or have opted to receive SMS notifications, you will receive a message two days prior to the item's expiry informing you of the time remaining for the "On-Hold" period.